International Exhibition
2016 06 01– 24
Reflections in art / in a memory of 13 / 01 / 1991
International Baltic art exhibition is dedicated to 25th Anniversary of Barricades in 1991. Opening at June 1st, 5.00 p.m. at „St. John‘s Street Gallery“ („Sv. Jono gatves galerija“).
The first exhibition of this joint project was opened on 13th January, 2016, in Riga, Latvian Artists Union‘s gallery. There were more than 40 artists represented in this exhibition.
Exposition consists of three collections of different artists from different generations. Artworks not directly, but more conceptually reflect the 1991 events and sociopolitical situation nowadays. Different types of media presented, which are unified by the art context, formed in historical background.
Participants: Stasys Eidrigevičius, Vidmantas Zarėka, Rytas Jonas Belevičius, Dainius Trumpis, Algirdas Jakas, Miglė Kosinskaitė, Edmundas Saladžius, Robertas Antinis, Ramūnas Čeponis, Eimutis Markūnas, Milda Dainovskytė (Lithuania).
Māris Upzars, Annija Grosa, Ansis Butnors, Darja Fjodorova, Adriāna Vīgnere, Madara Gulbis, Juris Utāns, Līga Jukša, Ivonna Zīle, Alex Ets, Otto Zitmanis, Jānis Purcens, Miķelis Dobičins (Latvia).
Al Paldrok, Andrus Joonas, Jaan Elken, Karl-Kristjan Nagel, Piret Bergmann, Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Veiko Klemmer, Ville Karel Viirelaid, Oleg Wiebe, Jana Wiebe (Estonia).
Exhibition „Barricades 25. Origins“ at „Šv. Jono gatvės galerija“ will be held till 24th June, 2016.
At th autumn 2016, exhibition will be presented in Tallin.

Baltic States culture, unfortunately, is still infiltrated with reflections of the painful past. But probably it can not be different – too little time had passed since these experiences, which have been dominating in art context for a long time. Nowadays these reflections acquire different types of shape, talks in today‘s actual language, still remains publicly conscious. Although this sore foretime recedes, however never will be left behind.
With this exposition we want to show, how artist signifies his position, how demonstrates social, political realms and personal inner status. Here all the time is focused on a person and his surroundings. This is a motif, which unifies the objects of contemplation in creative practive of the artists of this exhibition.
Our aim is not to depict directly the period of barricades and resistance: this exposition – is like a specific transformation of the space and time, preserving the content or it‘s concequences of this historical time, but perceiving it from the perspective of presence. Artworks are united by the same past, though is is vizualised in different medias. Artists are from the different generations, so it is very interesting to compare their diverse perceptions and attitudes.
Maybe this discourse will be one of the main predominant themes in Baltic Sates art for a while. Today, on the threshold of changing generations, historical experience gains various hues, but still remains one of the most actual keynotes for creation. Our mutual past wasn‘t only painful: a great determination and self-sacrifice had been already penetrated into to our collective consciousness. For this brutal past we are thankful for this is who we are.
Curator Evelina Januškaitė
Organizer Lithuanian Artists‘ Association.
Partners Latvian Artists‘ Union, Estonian Artists‘ Association, Embassy of Republic of Lithuania in Latvia.
Curators Evelina Januškaitė (LT), Ieva Smilge (LV), Tiiu Rebane (EE).