Project Heroina
Kersti Vallikivi ja Paulo Ramos
Tiiu Rebane (TR): Plaanite tähistada kõiki möödunud sajandi sündmusi kui suuri võitusid, on see nii?
Kersti ja Paulo (K&P):Kui me oleme argumentatsiooni positsioonis siis see ongi juba tähistamine. See on tähistamine kasutades moraalset teadvust, retoorilist väitlemist kontseptsioonina oluliste sündmuste tõlgendamisel.
Idee on kasutada põhjust, see on filosoofiline hindamine neile 100 aastale. Meil tuleb olla praktiline ideede hindamisel, ideed on ideoloogilised argumentatsioonid, see sama argument on jätkusuutlik eetika ja moraalsuse alus.
Idee on hinnata või analüüsida tegevust mitte hinnata negatiivselt põhjust.
TR: Kas see tähistamine on pigem iroonia? Kui jah, siis milline näeb välja tänane inimene, kes on sellest minevikukultuurist pärit?
K&P: Jah see on irooniline tähistamine
See tänapäeva inimene on - man yes. Tänapäeva ühiskond on monograafilise arenemise idee. See on kujunenud organisatiivsetes antropoloogia kihtidest.... loominguline õigus , õigus filosoofiale, õigus poliitikale, õigus inimkonna arhitektoonikale
On olemas reeglid ja osad vabariikide konstitutsioonist, mille argumentatsioon baseerub man yes´ile
Mõistatuslikud sümbolid tähistades võitu... tekstid ja raamatud räägivad pragmaatilistest võitudest tänapäeva tsivilisatsioonis.
TR:Teie etenduse atribuudiks on šampus - kas viite oma töö võiduka lõpuni?
K&P: Shampania on shampania see on man yes´i DNA .... suure võidu ornament.
Leila Lükko intervjuu Kersti Vallikivi ja Paulo Ramos´ga
LL: First thing that I noticed in your performance were your costumes. Paolo was wearing white and Kersti black skinny trousers-t-shirt combination. In the contexts of European culture it looked like the colors of the clothes were swapped? Do you see black and white as symbols?
K&P: Idea of using these colours was only esthetical. There was no certain idea why these colours it could been also yellow and blue or pink and green. We wanted to be separated from the public and gain their attention.
LL: You were splashing a large quantity of champagne towards each other . Europe is in general reaching into the welfare state. Was your performance a critique towards money and values?
K&P: Champange- opening, splashing, sharing with people- it was all part of celebration. Critique in this performance was towards people who critique what happened past, who are constructing their lives from against others.
LL: What do you think, is art a business? How to you see boundaries between art and business? What are boundaries for you overall?
K&P: Business is everywhere, so saying that art is not, and business is bad would be saying that overall world is bad. They are connected but art is still art and business is business.
LL: Your performance was playing with the time. At the same time when your „entertainment show“ took place, there was a car honking. How would you explain the “time“ conflict that took place in your performance?
K&P: Honking car was actually part of celebrating, our idea was to give everything to celebrate what have happened, and car´s noise is quite description of celebration.
LL: What do you think, how are the economical, cultural and social values changed in the last 100 years?
K&P: Natural evolution, many things have impaced for people values- bauhaus, wars. Time is changing all the time together art, economy and people so it would be difficult to say how much we have changed.
LL: And the last thing, what is your artist position, your most important message to the world?
Paulo: Our eyes can´t see everything
Kersti: I can't say because it is too big responsibility and I end up overthinking