EESTI LOODUS must ja valge - ESTONIAN NATURE black and white
Galerii Daliko
Krems an der Donau, Austria
Avamisel esinesid kõnedega Eesti suursaadik Austrias, Slovakkias, Ungaris ja Šveitsis Hr. Rein Oidekivi, galerist Dalia Blauensteiner, Austria Kultuurivõrgustiku ning Kremsi linnavalitsuse esindajad, kuraator Tiiu Rebane
Näitus heidab mõtliku pilgu Eesti olemusele.
Näitusel esinevad autorid, kes on pikema või lühema perioodi vältel elanud ja töötanud EKL Muhu Kunstitalus.
Residentuuri eraklik asukoht, selle arhailine omapära ning kaugus kaasaegsetest kultuurikeskustest on inspireerinud kunstnikke looma rea ainulaadseid teoseid milles võib tabada nii ajatut metafüüsikat kui jõulist poeesiat.
Maalikunstnikud Karl-Kristjan Nagel, Jana Wiebe, Tiiu Rebane,
Graafikud Markus Kasemaa,Tibor Csabai, Dorottya Kovács, Helen Tago Mullaste, Britta Benno, Zsofia Sztranyak, Kelli Valk, Dora Eszter Molnar, Kadri Toom, Imre Bodnár, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, David Mallard, Lembe Ruben, Kalli Kalde, Kristina Paabus, Kaija Kesa, Paulis Liepa, Mari Prekup
Exhibition Estonian Nature-Black And White gives subjective overview of the Estonian nature by visual artists who have been invited to live and work in EAA Muhu Art Residency.
Situated in wild and archaic natural environment of Muhu island, on the edge of the western world, the art-farm is probably an oldest building in the small fishing village called Nõmmküla. By coming there the artists are finding themselves outside of the contemporary world.. place where time and progress have stopped in 1900. These facs form the artistic experience and include a profound meaning in itself - the experience of absolute lack of modern history as we know it.
The artworks for this exhibition can be called attempts on visualize Estonian identity. Spiritual landscapes without revolutions, wars, postmodernism and all other forms of popular culture from 20. and 21 Centuries.
Is it a light romantic or dark and painful picture that contemporary artists are receiving from Muhu time-machine type of environment...Estonian Nature is an exhibition about the experience from the edge of contemporary world as we know it.
Curator Tiiu Rebane