Wim Lamboo

Visiting Tallinn Guest Studio (1.06-30.07. 2015)
Wim Lamboo (Leiden, 1949) has been working since 1979 as a visual artist and independent social documentary photographer with a special interest in the live and people of North, Central and Eastern Europe. At the start of his career Lamboo produced, often in collaboration with writers and journalists, photo-reports in former Yugoslavia, England (Wales), Maroc, Senegal and Nepal. Besides his work on freelance assignments for illustrated magazines, newspapers and books, he was embedded in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova and Transnistria for longer periods of time for his autonomous work. His main work-in-progress is an extensive photo-documentary project - one could say his life's work - in which he meets and portrays fellow artists in North, Central and Eastern Europe. This quest started already before the fall of the Berlin wall - almost twenty years ago now - and has continued ever since. In addition to this extensive project, Lamboo started in September 2007 to portray women in the streets of Tallinn, Estonia. After returning to the city several times, it developed into a broad project with the working title "Women of Tallinn". The project found a second 'branch' in the Netherlands, where Lamboo started to portray Dutch women in their urban and rural environment.