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Guest Studio, Tallinn

A.I. Residency, Artist-in-Residency Estonia


address: Vabaduse väljak 6, 10146 Tallinn, ESTONIA Contact person: Maria Tromp, Estonian Artists' Association E-mail: Tel. +3726273630

The guest studio is available for artists from abroad and our guests since November 1998. It is situated on the top floor of Tallinn Art Hall that was built in 1934. The building, located close to the Old Town, is the centre of the Estonian art life. In addition to the Tallinn Art Hall, the building contains several artists' studios, the office of the Estonian Artists' Association, Estonian Center for Contemporary Arts, the shop selling art materials, art galleries, etc. In the basement there is KuKu Club and on the first floor KuKu Cafe, both popular meeting places for artists. The studio, containing working space and accommodation on two levels, is about 50 m² and best suitabe for 1-2 persons (2 double beds). Studio has a bathroom with shower, wc and sink, all in one.

Our criteria`s for selecting: EAA residencies are most appropriate for artists who seek time and

professional support for critical thinking, research, experiments, and for those who need a big studio or open spaces in nature (in A.I. Muhu).

We seek professional artists, designers, architects and independent curators with personal motivation to independently carry out artistic activity and engage with the cultural environment that residencies in both locations offer.

The selection is based on artistic merits and the quality of artistic practice. Applicants are expected to master the English language.

Artists are invited to use specific studios in Tallinn (for graphics, ceramics etc); are welcomed to meet Estonian Art Academy professors and students, give own workshops, hold artist-talks and exhibit their work in galleries.

Participate in other residency programmes and events (as Art Festival "Future-Horizon" held in Muhu residency in July 2015 ).

Estonian Artists Association has long experience of traditional methods for public presentation.

1. Selected artists will be represented in EAA prints and Residency`s web page;

2. Selected artists can be interviewed and represented in local culture media (ERR, Sirp etc);

3. Artists can be introduced to local art critics, for analytical approach and publication;

4. Local media will be informed of public show or other expressive activity of the visiting artist.

5. Selected artists can be introduced to Estonian art institutions (galleries, museums,associations,Academy of Arts), for future collaboration

Starting from the 1st of January 2015, the rent for one day is 25 euros. In case of additional guests, 10 euros / per person / per day will be added to the rent.



Estonian Artists Association (EAA) Muhu Art Residency A-I-R program focuses on visual arts, including innovation, architecture, cultural heritage and locally rooted practice.

A.I. is situated on island Muhu, at the west coast of Estonia.


Eesti Kunstnike Liidu Muhu

A. I. Kunstitalu toimib alates 2015. aastast rahvusvahelise kunstiresidentuurina.

Talukompleks pakub loomingulist väljakutset nii kaasaegsetele kunstnikele kui ajaloolastele; lastele kui täiskasvanutele; novaatoritele kui restauraatoritele.

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