Prohor&Puzo - Festival concert

Festival Future-Horizon presents:
Prohor&Puzo (Moscow)
Hot Kommunist (Tallinn)

Prohor&Puzo (Moscow) Prohor & Puzo is a legendary band from Moscow formed in 1997 includes an artist and a poet Victor Puzo and a composer Prohor Alexeev (Altera Forma, EΛEVEN) who is a famous person of the Russian underground music. For over the years of making music together Prohor and Puzo have released 4 LPs. They have also made a cartoon movie about themselves together with an animator Kol Belov. The have written a soundtrack for the “Star Worms” film and have acted different pieces in NOM movies. The band has also performed some parts in a great number of art and music shows in Russia and Europe. They have recorded tracks with Barto, Sergey Pahomov (Pahom and Vivisector), NOM, Alexey Bortnichuk (Zvuki Mu) and have performed a lot of concerts in Russia and abroad . In the summer of 2011 the musicians filmed a documentary about their unbelievable trip to the Large Hadron Collider. Prohor &Puzo describe their art mission as “alcohol researches of Russian mysticism”. In January of 2014 they had their first live show in Tallinn and they appeared on ETV as guests. In the end of 2014 the band became a quartet because two new members joined them. They are a drummer Valentina Vekshina and the second guitarist Alexander Tsoi (who is the son of legendary musician Victor Tsoi) _ _ _ Hot Kommunist (Estonia) _ _ _ Hot Kommunist on aastal 1996 loodud jazz-proge-punktrio, mis tõi 2015 a. alguses viimaks publiku ette oma kauaoodatud debüütalbumi "21. sajandi kodu". Lisaks Hot Kommunisti sõpradele tuttavate palade ("Jeesus Lexus", "Killennium" jt.) uusversioonidele sisaldab CD verivärsket materjali ("Kaksiktornide pettus", "Pilvede all" jm.) Hot Kommunisti selgroo moodustavad punklegendi J.M.K.E. esimestel albumitel mänginud laulev bassivirtuoos Lembit Krull ning samas bändis hiljem ligi kaks aastakümmet kaasa teinud trummar Andres Aru. Vaata tsenseerimata Hooandja videot: Kitarri mängis HK debüütplaadil Lauri "Uims" Leis (Psychoterror, Vennaskond, ZLO). Aasta 2015 alguses vahetas Uimsi välja Mikko Nissinen, kes on varem tegutsenud Helsingi bändides Ikuinen Vaiva ja Tritonus Vähäsarja. HK värske plaadi esimestel esitluskontsertidel on laval mõlemad kitarristid. Albumi ”21. sajandi kodu” esikaant ehib tunnustatud tšiili kunstniku Norton Maza teos "Avalancha del caos", mille kasutamiseks on Hot Kommunist saanud autorilt eriloa. Hot Kommunist esitab oma loomingus teile küsimuse: "Kes me oleme?" ja vastab ise: "Tarbimisühiskonna orjad, keda psühhopaatidest valitsejad suunavad läbi valede vältimatu huku poole, kuni me selle vastu midagi ette ei võta." Hot Kommunist "21. sajandi kodu" Väljaandja: Vihtamestari Oy Levitaja: Playground Music Estonia "Ligi 20 aastat tegutsenud Hot Kommunist lajatas letile debüütalbumi " 27.02.2015…/49d5a29e-3697-4fd8-997a-49bb6e6b7921 _ _ _ ( INTERVJUU BÄNDIGA - HOT KOMMUNIST ) "Hot Kommunist: proge-punk-võitlus laguneva süsteemi mürgipilvede all" 04-06-2015 | kirjutas: HaraldHaak…/Hot-Kommunist-proge-punk-voitlus-lagu… _ _ _ About the Hot Kommunist: The Hot Kommunist are a jazz-proge-punk trio established in 1996. Back then we managed to hold around 20 concerts and pulblish a few tracks on compilations like „Mätta fondi 25 kuldset lööklaulu“ („25 Golden Hits of the Mätta Foundation”) and „Punk on surn’d“ („Punk's dead”). In 2001 the Hot Kommunist fell into hibernation, because the recordings for the first album were ruined in the event of the studio computer crash and the band found neither strength nor resources to start over.The Hot Kommunist have now returned more powerful than ever and are determined to complete their long-awaited debut album, out due 24th of February, 2015. In addition to remakes of the already known tracks like „Jeesus Lexus” (Jesus Lexus”), ”Killenium” („Killenium”), etc., the new album also comprises fresh songs like „Kaksiktornide Pettus” („The fraud of the twin-towers”), „Pilvede all” („Under the Clouds”), etc. We are looking forward to your support to finally be able to release the album. The lyrics of The Hot Kommunist ask: „Who are we?”, and give an answer: „Slaves of the consumer society, who are guided to inevitable destruction by psychopath governors through lies. Unless we don't find ourselves and take control.” Members of the band: Lembit Krull – bass, voc (ex J.M.K.E., Harmagedon) Andres Aru – drums (ex J.M.K.E., Agent M, Suck&Blow, Wide Open) Mikko Nissinen – guitar (Ikuinen Vaiva, Tritonus Vähäsarja) Noisemurder, Wide Open. Radio presenter of the „Punkpolitsei” programme on Radio 2 and „Fantaasia” programme on Klassikaraadio. A multi-talented multi-instrumentalist. „21st Century Home”, the new CD of the Hot Kommunist is out due 24th of February, 2015
Concert starts at 18.00 (18.07.2015) in EAA Muhu A.I. Residency
Concert performers:
Prohor&Puzo (Moscow)
Hot Communist (Tallinn)
Artists performances start at 14.00
Exhibitions open at 11.00
Day-ticket: 10 EUR
Have a tent with you, in case you wish to stay overnight ! ---------------------------------------- KONTSERT ALGAB KELL 18.00 ESINEVAD: Prohor&Puzo (Moskva) Hot Kommunist (Tallinn) + vabalava ja filmiprogramm (Prohor Aleksejev, Karl-Kristjan Nagel etc) FESTIVALI PERFORMANSID alates 14.00 KUJUTAV KUNST alates 11.00 PÄEVAPILET: 10 EUR Ööbimiseks võtke kaasa telk, samuti võimalik ööbida naabertaludes (väikese tasu eest) !