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Barricades 25

Concept of the exhibition foreseed that each of the artists' union - The Artists' Union of Latvia, the Lithuanian Artists' Association and the Estonian Artists' Association, choosed their artists who represented each country in a single exhibition, combining for about 10 artworks from each country, representing artists' emotions and feelings evoked by the events of 1991.

We believe that the unstable situation in current world turned the page of history again, and it is important to look for moral power and spirituality from Barricades in today's world and people. President of the Artists' Union of Latvia


At the same time with looking back and observing the whole abstract impact of the barricades and drawing the parallels into nowadays,when all this what the world`s current global political and military grip is proving and confirming is that there is no, and have never been, any spiritual evolution and never even existed any hope for it, we artists are still working in hope that our contemplation process can give generalized and timeless results: once again renewed visions of spirituality and free will. And in this visualization process we have the total freedom to be the absolute beginners.

Tiiu Rebane curator

Estonian Artists Association

Muhu A.I Residency project -manager


Estonian Artists Association (EAA) Muhu Art Residency A-I-R program focuses on visual arts, including innovation, architecture, cultural heritage and locally rooted practice.

A.I. is situated on island Muhu, at the west coast of Estonia.


Eesti Kunstnike Liidu Muhu

A. I. Kunstitalu toimib alates 2015. aastast rahvusvahelise kunstiresidentuurina.

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