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General Information - Üldine info

Estonian Artists Association Muhu Art Residency program is open for individual professional artists at any stage of their career, working in visual arts, music, literature and other creative areas.

Residency is most appropriate for artists who seek time out for the critical thinking, individual research and experiments; especially for those who need open spaces in nature.

Our main interests are interdisciplinary, as they lie in integration of art with environment, in more or less poetical interaction between art and society.

Issues of existential border-state will remain at the heart of Muhu Art Residency now and in the future, without favoring one technique to another.

In contemporary context our ancient 19. Century farmhouses represent a chance for a real “time-out” in rural and ascetic territory.

Residency period includes possibility for an Open Studio day and taking part in Residency annual exhibition (autumn 2019). So far the exhibitions has been held in Tallinn (2015, 2018), Kuressaare (2016), Paris and Krems am Donau (October and November 2017)

Residents are free to participate in other workshops held in the residency during their stay.


MUHU Kunstitalu on Eesti Kunstnike Liidu juhitav rahvusvaheline kunstiresidentuur, avatud valdkondadevaheline loome- ja puhkekeskus. Residentuurina toimib Kunstitalu kaasaegse kunsti kesksena, keskendub aktuaalsetele küsimustele kultuuris ning kunsti funktsioonidele ühiskonnas.

Residendid on oodatud vabalt kujundama oma loomingulist perioodi Muhus, Residentuur ei kohusta kunstnikke suhestuma presenteeriva ja kommunikeeruva tegevusega kuid soosib ja toetab aktiivselt Muhu saare avalikkusele suunatud aktiviteete ja ideid.

Tiiu Rebane

project manager

EAA Muhu A.I. Residency


Estonian Artists Association (EAA) Muhu Art Residency A-I-R program focuses on visual arts, including innovation, architecture, cultural heritage and locally rooted practice.

A.I. is situated on island Muhu, at the west coast of Estonia.


Eesti Kunstnike Liidu Muhu

A. I. Kunstitalu toimib alates 2015. aastast rahvusvahelise kunstiresidentuurina.

Talukompleks pakub loomingulist väljakutset nii kaasaegsetele kunstnikele kui ajaloolastele; lastele kui täiskasvanutele; novaatoritele kui restauraatoritele.

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