2023 aasta sügisel algatasime Kunstitalu ajaloolise, kuid paraku väga halvas seisukorras oleva peahoone renoveerimisprojekti koostamise.
2023-2024 Muhu kunstiresidentuuri renoveerimise ja restaureerimise projekt.
Töö objektiks on Eesti Kunstnike Liidu (EKL) muinsuskaitsealuse Muhu Kunstitalu projekteerimistööd. Projekt on koostatud talu peamajale tervikuna, sealjuures olemasolev hooneosa on ettenähtud restaureerida ja rekonstrueerida ning 2001 aastal hävinenud hooneosa maht taastada kaasaegse avatud varjualusena. Projekteerimise ülesandeks on kogu olemasoleva majaosa kohaldamine kunstnike loometööks ning administratsiooni- ja eluruumideks. Eesmärk on luua EKL Muhu kunstitalust peamiselt hooajaliselt funktsioneeriv rahvusvahelisse võrgustikku kuuluv kunstiresidentuur, valdkondade vahelise perspektiiviga loomekeskus. Hoonest peaks kujunema Eestit tutvustav väike arhailine maamärk.
Kompleks on ettenähtud renoveerida energiasäästu ja restaureerimise põhimõtetest lähtuvalt. Restaureeritav majaosa on ettenähtud soojapidavana ning köetavana.
Projekteerijad: i2 arhitekt OÜ
Arhitekt: Indrek Järve
Sisearhitekt: Irene Press
Muinsuskaitse tegevusluba: VS 876/2016, Irene Press
PAIK Arhitektid OÜ
Arhitekt: Jaak-Adam Looveer

Muinsuskaitsealuse talukompleksi väljakutsed on sobivaks pinnaseks nii kaasaegsetele kunstnikele kui ka ajaloolastele, lastele ja täiskasvanutele, novaatoritele ja restauraatoritele.Kompleks on ettenähtud renoveerida energiasäästu ja restaureerimise põhimõtetest lähtuvalt.
As the project manager of Estonian Artists Association`s Muhu Art Residency, Tiiu Rebane has led efforts to continue and expand the initiatives begun in 2014, focusing on both program development and the conservation and renovation of the historic farm complex.
Over the past two decades, significant investments have been made to preserve and enhance the site. This includes the replacement of the thatched roofs on the barns in 2013 and 2015, as well as roofing work on the forge and adjacent cellar in 2021. In 2023, the infrastructure was upgraded with the installation of a sewage line and septic tank, the construction of a water toilet, and various essential repairs across the building complex. Since 2015, the shack house has undergone extensive conservation, a collaborative project involving Tiiu Rebane, Karl-Kristjan Nagel, and EAA master craftsmen.
In the fall of 2023, a renovation project for the Art Residency historic main building was initiated. Despite its poor condition, the building holds significant cultural value. The renovation, adhering to strict heritage protection standards, is scheduled for completion by the summer of 2024, with architect Jaak-Adam Looveer as the lead contractor.
The renovation project aims to repurpose the entire structure to support artistic creativity while providing administrative and residential spaces. The goal is to transform the EAA Muhu Art Residency which currently operates seasonally, into an art residency that is part of an international network—a multidisciplinary creative hub. The building is envisioned as a small yet iconic landmark that introduces Estonia, blending ancient architectural elements with modern innovations to create both a living environment and a space for generating creative ideas. The complex will cater to contemporary artists, historians, children, adults, innovators, and restorers, offering fertile ground for diverse creative endeavors.
The renovation will be carried out in accordance with principles of energy efficiency and restoration. The restored sections are designed to retain heat, making them suitable for use primarily during the warmer seasons.
Designers: i2 arhitekt OÜ
Architect: Indrek Järve
Interior Designer: Irene Press
Heritage Protection Activity License: VS 876/2016, Irene Press
PAIK Arhitektid OÜ
Architect: Jaak-Adam Looveer
Usutavalt on Muhu Kunstitalu (endise nimetusega Uietalu) taluase üks Nõmmküla vanemaid ja võimalik, et siin oli juba orduajal Marcus Vstalle talu. Talu asetseb Muhu saare põhjarannikul – arhailises ning vahetus looduskeskkonnas, tänapäeva mõistes maailma äärel. Siin vaikses rannakülas oleme mõtteliselt tagasi Eesti algupäras, meie omakultuuri allikal. Suurtalu reheelamu tüüpi elumaja ning aidad, lisaks uhkete kiviehitistena silmapaistvad kööksepikoda ja hollandi tüüpi veski, on pärit 19. sajandist.
Etnograafiamuuseumi andmetel töötas 20. sajandi algul Uietalus õigeusu abikool. 1969. aastal jäeti talu elanike poolt maha ja müüdi 1971. aastal kunstikombinaadile ARS. Kunstkombinaadi likvideerimise järel läks talu Eesti Kunstnike Liidu valdusesse. 2001. aastal süttis toona Muhu Baasina tuntud rehemaja, tules hävis rehealune ja rehetuba; kahjustada said ka kambrid. Säilinud hooneosa konserveeriti. 2014. aastal alustati ettevalmistusi talukompleksi rekonstrueerimiseks.
Muhu Kunstitalu arengukava näeb ette hoonete kompleksi täielikku taastamist ja funktsionaalset uuendamist samaaegselt uue sisulise tähenduse loomisega endisele passiivsele puhkekeskusele. Renoveerimise ja laiendamise eesmärk on pikemas perspektiivis luua Kunstitalust aastaringselt toimiv kunstikeskus; valdkondade vahelise perspektiiviga seminari- ja loomeresidentuur. Eestit tutvustava arhailise maamärgina on arendatava loovmaja eesmärgiks sünteesida muistset kaasaegsega, seda nii elukeskkonna kui loovate ideede inkubaatorina.
The Muhu Art Residency, formerly known as Uietalu, is widely regarded as one of the oldest farms in Nõmmküla, with historical evidence suggesting that a farmstead, possibly belonging to a Marcus Vstalle, existed on this site as far back as the era of the Livonian Order. Located on the northern coast of Muhu Island, the farm is nestled within a natural environment that remains largely untouched, evoking a sense of timelessness. This remote coastal village transports us mentally to the very roots of Estonia, serving as a conduit to the origins of Estonian culture. The farm complex includes a traditional 19th-century typical large thatched house, barns, a kitchen forge, and a Dutch-type windmill—remarkable stone structures that stand as testaments to the architectural heritage of the region.
The Ethnography Museum records that at the beginning of the 20th century, an Orthodox auxiliary school operated within Uietalu. However, in 1971 it was sold by owners to the art factory ARS. After the dissolution of the ARS factory, ownership passed to the Estonian Artists' Association. A significant event occurred in 2001 when a fire broke out in the threshing house, then known as Muhu Baas, destroying and damaging the chambers. The surviving parts of the building were subsequently conserved.
In 2014, efforts began to restore and reimagine the farm complex. The development plan for Muhu Art Residency envisions a complete restoration of the buildings, alongside a transformation of the site into a vibrant, year-round art center. The long-term goal is to establish the farm as a hub for seminars, creative residencies, and interdisciplinary collaboration. As a historic landmark that introduces the essence of Estonia, the evolving creative house aims to merge the ancient with the modern, creating both a living environment and an incubator for innovative ideas.